Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Quick Update

It's been a rough weekend.  This is a blog about lifting, and gaining strength.  I don't go into my personal life too often, because this blog functions for me as a personal escape from the stress of real life.  And a tracker for my success/failures at the gym.  Suffice it to say that this was a very rough weekend, personal life-wise.

I had a poor gym session on Friday.  Again, I failed to hit 20 reps at 195 on squat.  I've been eating a little bit less lately, and I know I ate shittily before the session.  I had a serious lack of motivation.. I even considered not going to the gym.

It's funny too.  As I stood back and looked at the bar I kept repeating "I will not fail this" in my head.  "I WILL get 20 reps, no matter how hard it gets."  I got myself focused, stepped to the bar and began.  1st 5 reps were rough, legs were already tired by 5.  By 8, my legs were burning.  By 10 I was struggling to even get the reps out.  By 13 I was ready to quit.  By 14 I was saying "oh god save me" in my head.  The 15th rep I almost failed completely, but managed to rack the weight.

So much for perseverance and "not failling."  The funny part was I was really angry at myself, but I couldn't tell if I was mad because I'm supposed to be mad when I fail, or if I really was angry.  It was a weird time.

Afterwards I did some barbell rows and then some bicep curls.  It made me feel a little better at least.

3/30/12 - Friday
Squats - 1 set
135x8 (warmup)
155x5 (warmup)

Barbell Rows - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)

Bent Barbell Bicep Curls - 1 set
60x8 (warmup)

Straight Barbell Bicep Curl - 2 sets

The better news is that after taking off over the weekend, I hit up the gym Tuesday night, and I finally did some weighted chin ups.  Not TOO many, but enough to get me in the mood.  I'll post em up tomorrow.

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