Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Deadlifts again

Friday was deadlifts.  Increased the weight by 10lbs, and stayed with 3 sets of 6.  It was significantly harder this time, but it still felt great.  My grip wasn't too good, but I got it done.  The higher reps are more taxing on my grip, even with 50lbs less on the bar than what I normally lift.

I finished the workout with some shrugs and 2 sets of bicep curls.

More importantly, I had a small softball practice on Saturday.  It was just 3 people, but there was a problem.  The moment I threw the ball, I knew I was screwed.  My shoulder.  As I've been saying all along, there's something wrong with my shoulder.  It's bad.  To the point where I'm feeling EXTREME pain when I throw the ball.  I couldn't even warm up my arm, it hurt too much.

It's very specific, the pain I'm feeling, and what motions cause it.  When throwing, it's at the back of my windup, at the peak of the "cocking" motion, right as I move my arm forward with the ball.

Through googling, I think it's probably some form of shoulder impingement, something to do with my rotator cuff.  Since Saturday, I've been icing it multiple times a day, and doing some digging around in there, trying to apply pressure to the part that hurts.  Kind of to break up any scar tissue that's developed.  It's only been 2 days, but it feels marginally better at best.  Not really much improvement.  I'm going to continue to ice it and rub it down every day and see if it improves over the next week or so.   Season starts officially in 2 weeks.  My wife is making me an appointment today with a pain management center to get an official diagnosis on what the exact problem is.  I can google all I want, but I have medical insure:  I should get a doctors opinion.

Unfortunately though, the season starts in 2 weeks!  I play outfield, I need to be able to throw, even if it's weak.  I could switch it up and pitch or play 1st or 2nd base for now, but that really sucks.  I knew this would happen, and I let it happen anyway.

Anyway, here are the sets from Friday.

4/6/12 - Friday
Deadlifts - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)
225x5 (warmup)

Shrug Machine - 4 sets
90x10 (warmup)

Bent Barbell Bicep Curls - 2 sets

Today I'm benching and I'm gonna be that guy doing "rotator cuff" exercises on the universal.  We'll see how it goes.

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