Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Keeping Pace - Deadlifts

Did deadlifts on Saturday.  Kept pace and did a few sets with 315 lbs.  My grip was failing me though.  It was a weird combo of the bar feeling slippery, and my forearms still feeling a tiny bit sore from doing rows, lat pull downs and bi's a few days earlier.

After the first 2 sets, I just couldn't hold the weight in my hands.  I felt that my back could handle the load, but my hands couldn't.  I stopped trying for reps and instead did singles on the minute for 4 minutes.

1/7/12 - Saturday
Deadlifts - 2 sets, and 4 "single reps per minute"
135x8 (warmup)
225x5 (warmup)
275x3 (warmup)

Bench Press - 2 very light sets

Dumbbell Bicep Curls - 2 sets
30x8 (warmup)

I was dissapointed in my grip, but was happy that I hit the singles.  I ended up doing more reps this way anyway.  All in all, I'm glad I kept pace despite the grip troubles.  Next time I'll try to get a little more recovery in between so I can maybe even up the weight to 325.  Hopefully.

The bicep work was really just me being unsure of what I could do next, and just dicking around with bi's to pass the time until my wife was done with her squatting routine.  (20 reps again).   My forearms were really feeling the pressure at that point.

And finally, I did the bench because my chest was ridiculously sore.  Sometimes doing really light work on the sore muscle group kind of works the soreness out of the area.  It really helped, I felt much better afterwards. 

Probably won't be training today.  Back is sore, grips are sore, and while it's feeling better, my chest is still a tiny bit sore.  That doesn't leave me much.  I think I may just take today off and resume on Tuesday with a sampling of Squats, Cleans and RDL's.  Today I'll focus on working out my digestive tract. 

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