Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A bunch of stuff

Talk about frustrating.  I typed up a whole post last night, and before I could publish, the computer froze and I lost it.  It was a pretty good one too, at least by my boring standards.  Now I don't have the energy to try and recreate my masterpiece, so I'm just gonna keep it short and sweet.  Kinda.

I made it to the gym on both Friday and Sunday last week.  Neither were great.  My workout on Friday consisted of me being a pansy and having a tough time of bench press.  I did less reps with the same weight as last week.  I don't know if it was a lack of focus or what, but it sucked.  Next, I couldn't get in the squat rack to do the overhead press, so I did seated military press instead.  It was easier than standing.  Here are the sets from Friday.

Since it's Tuesday, I'll admit that I can't exactly remember military press, and if I really did 10 reps at 115.  It was either 10 or 8, and I nailed them without too much trouble.

1/13/12 Friday
Bench Press - 3 sets
95x8 (warmup)
135x6 (warmup)

Seated Military Press - 3 sets
45x10 (warmup)
105x10 cake

Then, Sunday I did deadlifts, barbell rows, and 2 quick bicep sets.  This was even worse.  I blame it all on Skyrim.  All I did all weekend (aside from looking at a few houses) was play Skyrim.  I played for hours and hours and hours.  And then played more.  I missed sleep, I missed was ridiculous.  And then I hit some glitch where I lost of bunch of progress...ugh.  How can you blame me though, I'm running around slaying dragons!
I'll bet you dragon meat has plenty of protein

So, I had no motivation on Sunday, and the last thing I wanted to do was train.  I guess you could say I pulled myself together enough to get into the gym.  Barely.  I decided that because last week, I couldn't get 5 reps at 315, I'd dial it back and do 285 instead. Kind of like still work my back, but not overdo it.  This way, next time I can try to increase my PR.  (in other words, I was pretty much just bullshitting myself.)  Maybe it'll work.  But I'll be frank:  I was lazy as hell on Sunday.

Here are my sets.

1/15/12 - Sunday
Deadlifts - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)
225x5 (warmup)

Barbell Rows - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)

Dumbbell Bicep Curls - 2 sets

And then I hightailed it out of there.  Went home, ate some dinner/lunch, and played Skyrim for another 7 hours.

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