Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finding Time for 20 Rep Squats

Life has been busy for me lately.  As some of you know, my wife and I are looking for a house.  Between that whole process, plus some heavy stuff going on at work, my time has been really limited. I've been working late, stressed out, and not eating as well as I usually do.

Monday and Tuesday were late nights at the office, no chance to get into the gym.  After another late night on Wednesday, I was exhausted and in a dilemma.  There was a good chance I'd be working late again on Thursday, and I didn't want to chance missing 4 days in a row (Mon-Thurs).  But at the same time, I was tired, and dinner was literally being put on the table when I got home.

I decided that I could tough it out, that I wasn't really that tired, and to just go.  I'm really glad I did.  I nailed 20 rep squats at 165lbs, and did a few power clean sets.  I felt great when I got home.  More focused, relaxed, and I slept better last night than I have in a while.  It reminded me why the hell I train in the first place.

My wife also captured a video of me squatting.  It's a good thing too, because you can tell my form isn't good.  The bar is in a "high bar" position (at the top of my traps), but I lean way too far forward when I come down, and I almost rock the weight up and down throughout the rep (you can see the weights spinning).  As a result, I can't get quite low enough with my squat, and it puts way too much stress on my lower back.  I know it does, because my back is always sore after I squat.  It's a simple correction that would really help me.  Here's the video, followed my the sets.

1/18/12 - Wednesday
Squats - 1 set
135x5 (warmup)
135x8 (warmup)

Power Cleans - 4 sets
95x5 (warmup)

Some notes:

Squats - Next week, I'll try and work on form, keeping the weight where it is. I'll go 20 reps again, but work on keeping my back (and chest) in the correct position.   I could also attempt to lower the bar on my back, and do correct low bar squatting instead.

Cleans - There was a big guy next to me doing cleans in the other squat rack.  He put me to shame, ending with a 5 rep set of 225 hang cleans.  It was good to watch him.  He was obviously experienced with them, he was doing them with excellent form, and nailing them easily.  Watching myself in the mirror, it made me realize how poor my own form is, and how I have such a lack of "explosion" getting the weight up off the floor.  My movement was like slow motion compared to this guy.  I need to work on really pulling the weight up with more power, and getting under the bar faster.

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