Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Bench and Shoulder cycle has begun!

Trained bench and shoulders yesterday evening after work.  It was a pretty basic workout, at a little bit lighter weights and more reps.  I want to stay at this for a few weeks, slowly building myself back up to higher weight again.

I worked out at about 75 - 80% of my 1 RM, going from anywhere from 7-9 reps.  To figure this out, I googled a site to calculate my 1RM (google 1 rep max calculator).  After plugging in 195 for 4 reps on bench, and 125 for 4 reps on shoulders, I found the following:

1 Rep Max

Bench 1RM - ~210lbs
Overhead Shoulder Press 1RM ~132lbs

With this, I figured out an approximate 75-80%.

Bench ~165
Sh Press ~100

Ok.  So now after all this math I finally went to the fucking gym and worked out at about those poundages, and tried to do each set with keeping about 1 rep in the tank.  I think it worked out pretty well.

Remember, my goal (in bench, for example) is to work out at these poundages, and slowly increase the weight/reps over the next 3 or so weeks to bring me back to about 95% of where I was working out before (approx 185lbs for bench).  Then I slowly get back to 195, what I was lifting previously.  The last phase is to push above and beyond 195.  Even if I can only get an additional 5-10lbs on the bar at this weight, it'll be a good improvement.  Same idea goes for shoulder press.

As for deadlift and squat, I'm making no changes thus far in my programming.  I'm still making positive progress in these lifts.  Maybe not so much in squat, but I'm taking this one step at a time.

Here are my sets last night..

1/5/12 - Thursday
Bench Press - 3 sets
95x9 (warmup)
135x6 (warmup)

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3 sets
25s x 8 (warmup)
45s x 10
50s x 8
50s x 7

Afterwards, I tried to do skull crushers, but damn.  My triceps were annihilated once again, just from doubling up on bench and shoulder press.  Seriously, they were bulging and tight as hell.  They're already sore today.

Oh, and by the way.  My wife is monster.  She did 2 sets of 20 reps on bench yesterday.  Granted, she only did 65 pounds.... but still.... 2 sets of 20 non-stop reps.  And why would she do such a thing?  As I said, she's a fucking monster.  I wish you could of seen the fire in her eyes yesterday.  Her determination alone puts most of the dudes in the gym to shame, probably including me.

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