Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Warts Suck!

It's Monday again.  I went a whole week without posting.  Lets just say life has been busy.  I went to the gym just once last week, on Friday.  I squatted with 195 lbs again, and while I still didn't hit 20 reps, I nailed a solid 17.  I struggled mightily to get that last rep up.  I'm happy I made some kind of progress, even if it's only 2 reps higher than my previous.

As for life... Last week was busy.  My wife and I are making an offer on a house we like.  It's a short sale, which can complicate things.  Needless to say, we took 2 trips to the house to give it a really deep look, and then kind of scoped out the neighborhood.  If things work out, the house is nice, but really needs a LOT of work.  And not just painting and cleaning.  The basement would need to be gutted, bathrooms would need to be redone, one of the bedrooms would need to have the carpet ripped up and the ceiling dropped.  This is just off the top of my head.

On top of all this, I've been working late almost every night.  It makes getting to the gym difficult.  Top that off with the house hunting, and these crazy wart blisters on my palm... lifting isn't so easy.  I picked up some dumbbells the other day and immediately I felt it tearing at the blister.

I'm gonna bench today, and I don't think it should be a problem.  The way the blister's forming, I don't think pressing should be a problem.

Here are the sets from squatting.

3/16/12 - Friday
Squats - 1 set
135x6 (warmup)
135x8 (warmup)

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