Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Deadlifts! Wart is still chillin

I've come to the conclusion that this wart isn't coming off on it's own.  I'm probably going to have to rip it off, dig it out, use some kind of sharp object or something.  Visualize whatever grossness that's gonna mean.  As far as I can tell, it's just chillin out on my hand with a pocket of puss and blood underneath it, and it's not doing anything. It's been 2 weeks since it was zapped with nitrogen, and the only change is that it doesn't really hurt anymore.  It's just weird looking, and weird feeling.

Anyway, now that I've gotten all of that weirdness out....  I ended up working a little later than expected on Friday, and didn't go to the gym as planned.  What did I do?  I ended up staying in with some friends and drank some delicious beer and black label.  Enjoyed some good times and some good laughs. Oh and the delicious beer?  Saranac white IPA.  I liked it so much I went and picked up a 12 pack of it on Sunday.


Saturday morning, I woke up with a hangover.  Nothing crazy, but I definitely didn't feel like going to the gym.  So I didn't.

So that brings us to Sunday.  Went early in the day and deadlifted, my first time since 2/28.  That's like 4 weeks!  I can't believe how long it's been.  Either way, I took it relatively easy.. I calculated 80% of what I did last time (325), and came up with ~265lbs.  So I did 3 sets of 6 reps.  Felt good.  And I feel sore as hell today... in a good way.  Here are the sets.

3/25/12 - Sunday
Deadlifts - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)
225x5 (warmup)

Shrug Machine - 3 sets
90x10 (warmup)
180x10 (warmup)

The shrug machine is just a fancy lever.  I'm putting the weights on a bar that's attached to a focal point and shrugging it up.

Today I'm off, but I'll be back there tomorrow.

And PS - My shoulder still sucks.  I tried some more trigger point therapy on it, and it helped a little... but it still hurts.  I keep saying I need to ice it, but I always forget when I'm home and ice is available.  Softball is gonna start up and I'm gonna be unable to throw.

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