Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday Night Squatting

As the title suggests, I squatted last night.  Legs were actually still tired from softball on Sunday.  In and of itself, that's ridiculous, but I guess I'm relatively out of shape when it comes to sprinting around for a few hours.  I didn't do as many reps as last time, but I felt really solid on my form and depth.

5/2/12 - Wednesday
Squats - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)
185x5 (warmup)

Weighted Chinups - 5 sets (22 reps total)

It was a short workout, but felt good.  I'm pleased with the progress on chinups.  Since I can do them at home now, it might be a good idea for me to increase the frequency.

Friday I have a Biometric Screening at my office, related to my health insurance.  I'm actually kind of excited to see how it turns out.  They're doing a finger prick cholesterol test, blood glucose, and a blood pressure test.  Also measuring height, weight and BMI.  And I have to fast for 8 hours, which is nothing new to me.

What I'm REALLY interested is afterwards, a health coach is going to meet to discuss the results and provide dietary and exercise advice.  I want to ask his or her opinion on my diet, and see what they say.  It's always interesting to get other people's opinions on that kind of stuff, regardless of what I think.

Anyway, Friday is bench day.  I'm gonna do incline bench with my wife.

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