Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Monday, May 14, 2012


This weekend was a little rough, physically and sleepily.  Most of it was my own fault, staying out too late or just not going to sleep when I should have.  It all started Thursday.

Thursday night has become the weeknight that I go out with a few friends, have a few drinks, and play some cards.  This Thursday ended up being a few more drinks, a few more cards, and went a little later.  I got home early Friday morning around 1:30, and had to be up for work at 6:30.

While I lasted alright through the day on Friday, the afternoon/evening was another story.  My wife and I planned all week to spend this weekend rearranging some furniture.  When I got home from work, Anna was already getting started.  We spent the rest of the night moving dressers, a couch, a bed and 2 closets around.  When we were finally done, we ate some dinner and immediately went to sleep.

Saturday morning, I woke up somewhat refreshed, and went to the gym.  I'll post my sets later, but suffice it to say I did some more incline bench (which I sucked at, btw) and weighted chinups.  And bi's and tri's.  Went home, ate some eggs and headed out to my friends place to help him move.  After about 5 hours, we finished up.  I ended up having a few friends over for dinner.  Afterwards, we had a repeat of Thursday night: cards and some drinks, and most importantly, another late night.

And Sunday?  Well, Sunday was mothers day.  Brunch, then a BBQ dinner, and a visit with my mother in law. All topped off with a ridiculously huge chocolate ice cream cone with crunchies.  Man, that was good.  And stupid.  Last night I was asleep by 9:30.  This morning I'm feeling much better.

What a weekend.  Fun, tiring, and totally worth it. Here are my sets from the Saturday gym session.

5/12/12 - Saturday
Incline Bench - 3 sets
95x8 (warmup)
135x5 (warmup)

Weighted Chins - 5 sets - 22 reps

Tricep Rope Pulldown - 3 sets

Bent Bar Bicep Curls - 1 set

My thoughts and feelings afterwards?  Incline bench sucked.  Sucked bad.  I think it's because I haven't worked out my shoulders in something ridiculous, like 3-4 months.  Either that, or I just suck.  Happy with weighted chins.  The triceps thing was a different pulley system than the regular universal.  One one side I can do like 120 lbs on triceps, on the other I can only do 50.  And finally, by the time I started doing biceps, I was feeling so tight in my forearms, I knew it was a bad idea.  And then I was having visions of dropping my friends couch later that day because my grips were too tired.  I made the wise decision to just go home and eat.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

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