Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A positively "eh" session at the gym

Had a weird day at the gym.  Absolutely sucked at squats, but the rest of my workout went really well.  I'll get the sets out of the way first, then I'll talk about how bad the squats were.

5/15/12 - Tuesday
Squats - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)
185x5 (warmup)
185x4 - failed on 5th rep

Upright Rows - 4 sets
45x10 (warmup)

Romanian Deadlifts - 3 sets

Straight Barbell Bicep Curls - 2 sets

As you can see, my squatting was terrible.  I don't know what it is with my legs, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding power when I come up.  I don't feel confident under the bar at all.  I literally was doing 20 rep squats with 185 a while back, and now I can barely squeeze out 5 reps.  The only redeeming thing is that I'm going the deepest I've ever gone.  No joke. At 185, I actually went so deep that I hit the crossbars in the squat rack on my 5th rep... which was partly why I couldn't get it up.  I bounced around and then ended up just dropping it.

Rows went very well.

RDL's were intense.  I haven't done them in a long time, and my hamstrings were crying like a little girl.  Felt really good though.  You should really, really do RDL's.  Here's my post on them:

Here's the original post on 70's big which I highly recommend you read:

And biceps were....well biceps.  Nothing new.

I'm pissed about squats, but happy about the rest of the workout.  And BTW, I did the entire thing in 1 squat rack.

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