Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Squats and Bench, together again

I used to squat and bench on the same day, almost every time.  My workouts were split between push and pull, and most days I did squats/bench together, and deadlift/row/pullups together.  Where shoulders fit in, sometimes on bench/squat day, sometimes I'd just kind of do them where I could.

Lately, I've been really just concentrating on main lifts, and splitting them up each day.  It's given me much more rest in between each specific workout, but I'm not sure if 10 days in between each bench, deadlift, or squat day is the best method.  I've definitely made some gains though, in all of my lifts.  Bench is solidly up to 195.  Deadlifts I'm getting up 305 for 5 reps, no problem.  And overhead press is slowly increasing too.  I'm torn, because part of me is impressed with my progress in strength, but the other part is left wondering if I'm just taking way too much time in between each lift.

The whole point is that yesterday I reverted back to squatting and bench on the same day.  It worked out pretty well.  Less rest between sets, and not much of a drop off in strength for bench.  Here are my sets.

Squats - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)
185x5 (warmup)
255x4 - struggled, didn't go down all the way.
225x5 went all the way down, ass to grass

Bench Press - 3 sets
95x10 (warmup)
135x5 (warmup)

Skull Crushers - 3 sets
50x8 (warmup)

I'm happy with the progress.  Although not going down all the way on the squat really pissed me off.  It took my wife taking a video of me for me to see how I wasn't going far down at all.  I'd post it up, but quite frankly I'm too ashamed of it.  All is good though, I realized it and made the correction.

Oh.  And the battery in my car is shot.  On cold days (like the other day) the car won't even start.  Guess who's stopping at Walmart tonight to pick up a new one?

Have a good one.

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