Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What I eat

What you eat is an important part of any workout program.  I would even go so far to say that for general health, your diet has the biggest impact on changing the way you look and feel.

I loosely follow a "paleo" or "primal" approach to my diet.  You can read all about it here:

That's where I first read about a primal or paleo diet.  If you don't want to bother with the article, here's a simplified summary. A strict paleo diet includes meat, veggies and some fruit, but would completely avoid all grains and beans.  Milk products could be included, depending on how they effect you.  On rare occasions, you could have some potato to get additional carbohydrate.  This approach works for a lot of people, especially if you have problems with your weight.  You control your sugar (carbohydrate) intake, while getting plenty of protein, fat, and fiber.  Combine this with a good workout regimen and you can really burn fat and lose weight on this diet. 

I'm not quite that strict, but I do agree with the main paleo principle: Eat lots of meat and vegetables.  Get lots of fat in your diet.  Every day, I get most of my calories from meat.  If it's an off day from the gym, I'll keep my carb intake pretty low.  If it's a gym day, I'll jack up my carbohydrates by eating a large sweet potato or (if i'm lucky) some sushi after the workout.  My diet also includes cottage cheese, eggs, some fruit, some nuts, and some occasional dark chocolate.  Also, if I feel I didn't get enough protein during the day I won't hesitate to have a protein shake with whole milk and heavy cream after dinner to top things off.  

I'll go deeper into the why of my diet in another post, but this lays out a good generalization of what I eat on a daily basis.

Tonight I plan on doing some bench and maybe some dumbbell fly's.  If the weight belt is fixed I'll do weighted dips too.  If not, I'll probably just end up doing tricep cables with the rope (ugh) or skull crushers or something.  

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