Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Soreness - and why I hate my gym

"Holy fuck I am sore."  That's the first thought that popped into my head when I tried to get out of bed this morning.  Soreness is strange for me.  There are times where I work my ass of at the gym, but don't get sore.  Other times I feel like I had a shitty workout, yet the next day I can't walk without limping.  Today is one of those days. 

On Sunday, all I did were 5 sets of squats, 5 reps each.  Yes, the lifts were decently heavy, but today I'm literally limping around my office.  Stairs are a mini nightmare.  What doesn't help is that A) I sit at a desk all day, and B) If I don't lift after work, I usually just go home and sit while eating dinner, and then sit some more while either watching TV or playing some gears of war before going to bed.  And that's exactly what I did last night. Ate some meatza for dinner (pizza without the bread), and then planted my lazy ass in front of the xbox for the rest of the night.

I'm doing some "pull" at the gym today.  No deadlifts today, just some dumbbell rows, some weighted chins, and maybe some shrugs or upright rows.  I might throw 2 sets of biceps in there depending on how packed the place is, and how much time I've spent there. 

The gym I go to kind of sucks.  It's within walking distance from my house, which is fantastic, but the facility is mediocre at best.  You take a slow elevator to the 2nd floor, which opens up into an enormous space to workout in.  The "space" is filled with the usual treadmills, bikes, elipticals... which is expected.  But it's also filled with rows of chest, back, and shoulder machines that are duplicates of one another.  There are something like 4 different "chest press" machines.  This does not include the 3 different "incline chest press" and 2 "decline chest press" machines. The same goes for the shoulder machines.  It's overkill, and over half of them rarely get used.  There are only 2 squat racks, but thankfully they're usually open.  The worst thing is that they don't have 2 1/2 lb weights.  This means that when I want to increase my bench, my only option is to put an additional 5 lbs on each side.  A 10lb jump is pretty huge on bench press.  It's difficult to make and track tangible progress.

Anyway.. there's more that I hate about my gym, but I've been ranting for a while.  I'll post up my sets tomorrow.

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