Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Squats, Shoulders and Being Exhausted

Between picking up a mattress on Monday, and looking at properties on Tuesday, I couldn't make it to the gym till Wednesday.  Of course, after getting some amazing sleep Monday night on the new mattress, Tuesday night was terrible, tossing and turning all night.  I'm lucky if I got 4-5 hours of sleep, and Wednesday I was like a zombie at work.

I was so exhausted that I almost didn't work out, but I knew that Thursday we were looking at more properties, and there was no way I was gonna put off training till Friday.  So, I zombie shuffled my way over the gym.  Here are my sets for squatting and seated dumbbell shoulder press.

Squats - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)
185x5 (warmup)

Seated Shoulder Press - 3 sets
35s x 8 (warmup)
45s x 5 (warmup)
60s x 5
60s x 5
60s x 4

I wanted to do more, but I was really exhausted.  Afterwards, I came home, ate huge amounts of roast beef, then proceeded to make a 4 scoop protein shake with 1.5 bananas, whole milk, heavy cream and water that my wife and I split.  I went to bed with a very, very full stomach.

PS - I managed to get "decent" sleep Wednesday night, 1130pm - 6am.  Straight through, no waking up or anything.  6.5 hours isn't great, but it's better than 4.

PPS - MW3 is the fucking bomb.  Kill confirmed, anyone?

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