Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's been a while

It's been a while.  I haven't posted for a lot of reasons, most of which revolve around me being too busy and even just plain being too lazy.  Rest assured, I have indeed been going to the gym, and while I haven't been doing anything fantastic, I've been at least keeping up with squatting and benching.  And some sprinting.

But, I haven't been keeping track of my lifts.  I tried backing off of bench and doing lighter weight for 10 reps.  I guess I'm still kind of on that kick, but I just can't bench more than 165lbs for 10 reps.  It kind of sucks.  I've been squatting too, steadily increasing from jack shit to jack shit plus a little bit.  I'm doing 245 low bar squats, going down as far as possible and coming back up.  It's nice.  And finally, I sprinted twice over the past month or so.  A couple of sessions of 10-12 sets going all out for short distances, with the walk back to the starting point as my rest in between.

I haven't done much pulling at all, because each time I've tried, my wart scab rips open and puss oozes out.  This happened twice while doing rows with a bandage on it.  So I stopped even trying anything pull related for 2 weeks.  I did sneak in some biceps here and there.  Today, I still have a scab, but it's much smaller.  I'm going to try deadlifting.  Maybe RDL's.  Light weight, nothing too crazy.  Just enough to get me back into the mix again.

Anyway, here are my sets from Monday.

Monday - 9/10/12
Bench - 3 sets

Dumbell Bicep Curls - 3 sets

My life has become very busy lately.  I've been given much more responsibility at work, and I've been working more hours.  My wife is almost 8 months pregnant now, and time has been scarce.  When I get to the gym, which has only been maybe twice a week the past few weeks, I can only spend about 20-30 minutes.  As such, my output has decreased.  And my eating has sucked.

My plan is to improve both.  For now, I'm going to continue posting without all the filler.  Just a quick log of what I lifted and for how many reps.  If I can get in 3 sessions a week I'll be very happy.  I'll let you all know tomorrow how things went today.


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