Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another big update

Man, it seems like I'm barely able to keep up with the updates.  Part of it is that I haven't been going to the gym that much lately, and the other part is that I've been BUSY.  Many late nights at the office, a bachelor party, a wedding, and most importantly...surgically removed warts.  Exciting!

I haven't posted in 12 days.  That's a long time.  I've been to the gym 2 or 3 times since then, but my lifts have been very limited.  It will help my own memory if I build a loose timeline here, so bear with me.

Weekending 8/12/12.  It was a rough week.  There was an intense project going on at work, and everyone at my office was working crazy hours.  I had a bachelor party to go to Friday night, and swapped late nights at the office for late nights in Atlantic City.  Long story short, we come back Saturday evening, and drag myself to the gym Sunday morning.

8/12/12 - Sunday
Bench Press - 4 sets

I think that was it on Sunday.  I was feeling shitty, hungover and tired.  I made some silly decision to do 10 rep sets, and as you can tell, I was going terribly light, and struggling with it.

Monday, I went to the dermatologist, and he surgically removed 2 warts from my hands.  The one on my right hand was an ugly bastard, and it was right on the back of my hand near my pointer finger's knuckle.  Very visible.  Tough to shake hands with people when you have something like that.  The other one on my left hand I've had for years, and it's on my palm, near my ring finger callous.  That one was bigger, uglier, but very inconspicuous.  It never really bothered me because nobody knew it was there.  Hell, even my wife didn't know about it for a very long time.

Either way, the Doctor cut them out and cauterized the wounds, leaving me with these 2 gaping holes in my hands.  So Wednesday, instead of doing the gym, I go for some sprints.

8/15/12 - Wednesday
Short Sprints - 12 sets

Not much else to say, really.  I just sprinted 12 times, and my rest was the walk back to the starting point. My guess is it was like 30 yards.

Saturday morning I make it to the gym again, and I have intentions of doing some pulling.  My warts don't agree.  I do 2 sets of rows on the universal, and the handles I'm using are digging into the bandaids on my hand.  No good.  So I switch to bench.  Here are those sets.

8/18/12 - Saturday
Bench Press - 3 sets

Rows (universal) - 2 sets

Bent Bar Bicep Curls - 1 set

Saturday night was my cousin's 30th birthday party.  Had fun.  Ate well.  Sunday was my sister in law's 33rd birthday party.  Ate well and had fun there too.  I also ate some delicious ice cream cake.  And a brownie.  No good.

And now here I am.  It's Tuesday, I hope I can get to the gym today after work.

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