Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Saturdays pulling (and football soreness)

So, did I mention how ridiculously sore I got from playing football on Thursday?  It's Monday, and I'm still a little sore, especially in my calves and feet.  Now, sprinting isn't really a part of my training regimen, but maybe it should be.  I didn't expect to get my ass kicked this hard.  I also think that I sat on my ass this weekend, and it didn't help my body recover at all.  I didn't eat enough either.  Surprising, considering it was fucking Thanksgiving weekend.

I had planned on doing squats on Saturday, but my legs were in no condition to take that kind of a load.  Instead, I did a "regular" pulling session, without deadlifts.  Here are the sets.

Oh, and on the bicep curls I did 4 sets... 2 with the "hammer" bar, and 2 with the curved bar.  The hammer was a barbell that you added weights to, the curved bar was off of a rack, meaning there were multiple bars of different weights I could pick from.  I put the hammer barbell on the gym scale, and it came to exactly 22lbs.

1 hand dumbbell rows - 3 sets
65x8 (warmup)
75x5 (warmup)

Barbell Preacher Curls - 4 sets
40x8 (warmup)
72x8 Hammers
92x5 Hammers
80x6 Curved bar
80x5 Curved bar

Barbell Shrugs - 3 sets
225x3 (grip slipping)

With shrugs (and deadlifts), it always seems like my grip is failing.  I don't know if I should be specifically working on my grip, if I need to get one of those stupid grip things that people use while driving to increase their strength.  It's an idea, I guess. On the 1 handed rows, when I jumped the weight to 105, it was the same thing.  Grip fails.  I'm gonna start googling how to increase your grip strength.  It's holding me back.

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