Stay Puft

Stay Puft
Stay Puft has his game face on!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Not talking about my shoulder today

Don't worry, I'll eventually dive in to my exciting shoulder struggles!

In the meantime, I had a terrible deadlift session last night, and did a few sets of biceps to make myself feel better.  It didn't work.  

I think because I hit a PR on 1 hand dumbbell rows on Sunday, my back was still a little tired last night.  I had a rough day at work too, and wasn't focused like I normally am.  As warmups begin, I just felt really weak.  I moved up to 275 as a final warm up for an attempt at 335, but 275 pounds felt so damn heavy, I only managed 3 reps!  So I stayed there, and did 4 sets.  Afterwards, I felt like garbage, and decided to be a bro and do some biceps to get that "pump."  I even did 2 sets on the machine.  Yeah... I get some silly ideas sometimes.

Here are the sets.

2/28/12 - Tuesday
Deadlifts - 4 sets
135x8 (warmup)
225x5 (warmup)

Bicep Dumbbell Curls - 2 sets
40s x 7
45s x 5

Bicep Curling Machine - 2 sets

Today I'm looking forward to a nice day off from lifting.  Maybe a little ice on my shoulder tonight, a little trigger point therapy, and an early night's sleep.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Shoulder... more like my Bench

My shoulder has been an issue for a while now.  I've done everything except what I should do.  I've complained, I've "lifted through it," and I've tried to ignore it.  Monday I started doing something, even if it's not the BEST thing for me, it's something.

But before I even begin getting into that, I realized that I've never really taken stock of my body, and what injuries I've had, and how they may have effected me.  For example. As anyone reading this blog can tell, I fucking suck at bench and shoulder press.  It hit home for me yesterday when a good friend of mine heard I hit 200lbs on bench and said, "finally."  In my head it says, "It's about time, I almost consider you a real man now."

I got angry at first, but it got me thinking... WHY do I suck at bench press?  My shoulder sucking is pretty  straight forward:  It's injured, and has been for a while.  I know it's injured.  And sometimes it effects my overhead pressing ability.  But bench?  I feel 0 pain from my shoulder when I bench.  None.  No discomfort, no "weirdness," nothing.  I don't even think about it.

But then I started thinking about the past, and when I used to work out in high school, and then college, and leading up to where I am now.  I worked out on and off, usually for a few months at a time during the summers.  And not every summer.  Only when I was motivated (aka getting chubby).  I would always get going and then after 3-4 month's I'd get lazy and stop.  Kind of like what most people do when it comes to working out.

One of these 3-4 month stints sticks out.  A few years ago... OK, maybe more like 8-9 years ago, during the summer, I was home from college and had started working out with a couple of friends.  Right off the bat, 1st day in the gym, we're gonna start with chest.  I proceed to do like 5 sets of bench, then move over and do 3 sets of fly's, then incline bench, and then like 3 sets of triceps.  This was back when I did things like an idiot. Considering the fact that I hadn't been to the gym in at least a year at that point, it was insanely stupid for me to do something like that.  I don't even think I warmed up.  I don't even think I ever warmed up back then lol.

Anyway, next morning I can't move my arms.  Notably, my right arm.  The pain and soreness in my chest is UNREAL.  I literally just stayed out of the gym for a week.  When I finally came back, I was able to do back, shoulders, biceps, all that stuff... but when chest day came, I sat out.  There was way to much pain when I even tried it.  Things stayed like that for a few weeks, and when I finally began to bench again, I still felt pain.  Still, I benched with VERY light weight.  Like 95lbs light.  Of course, being a 20 year old, I just kept going.  I still remember when I finally stopped going to the gym after about 3 months, I still had pain in my chest.  Right side, more towards the side than the middle of my chest.

After that, I went back to college, didn't work out for at least a year or 2.  And when I finally went back into the gym for my next summer session, I was again weak at bench, but never really thought about it. Because by the time I started to realize I wasn't making any progress with my bench press, the summer was over, and I stopped going.

Anyway, fast forward to 2 years ago, I had been lazy and not lifting for at least 2-3 years and was out of shape.  A friend (one of the same friends I was lifting with when I hurt my chest) got me back into the gym.  Everything is fine and dandy, but after 2-3 months I realize that my bench is just not growing the same way his was.  You know, the way newbies increase their strength in the first few months.  And just like the previous times, I was generally just weaker in bench than anything else.  At this point I was believing that bench was just my weakness.

Now, when I look back, I think that I really injured myself bad years ago.  I remember how bad it hurt, how I couldn't move my right arm.  And how long it took to stop hurting.  It took months man.  Like 5 months.  I never rehabbed it, I never did anything about it.  I just kind of rode it out, and eventually it stopped hurting.

8-9 years later, I'm finally making progress on bench.  Go figure.  Maybe the musculature is finally overcoming whatever damage I did.  Maybe it's not, and I'm just weaker in bench lol.  Either way, the good news is that honestly, my chest feels stronger than it ever has and I want to continue increasing the weight for as long as I can.  My serious goal is to get 215 for 3 reps.  I realize this might take another 2 months, but it's going to happen.  I finally feel like that goal is not unrealistic.

Anyway.... back to my shoulders.... Yeah right.  I'll post about em tomorrow, this one was long enough.

Monday, February 27, 2012

PR in Bench and 1 Hand Rows!

Sunday was a good day for training.  I had plenty of rest, woke up around 8:30 and fasted until around noon, when my wife and I headed to the gym.

Working out fasted is interesting.  I don't feel fatigue or anything, and I don't get tired quicker like you'd think.  I have the same energy levels (sometimes more) and I'm even usually more enthusiastic about being at the gym and training.  The problem is that despite this, I'm still usually a tiny bit weaker when I'm fasted.  Nothing crazy, but I'll get under the bar and expect to do 4-5 reps, and only get 3-4.  I'm just a litttttttttle bit below what I'd expect.  I don't know if this what other people go through, but it makes me wary of training fasted when I'm going for PR's.

Fortunately, I just didn't give a damn on Sunday.  Warmed up on bench, and felt great.  Put 200 on the bar, and easily drilled out 3 reps.  I could have gotten 4.  I followed with 2 more sets, each for 3 reps.  I still had plenty left in the tank.  Headed over to the dumbells and nailed 105x4, for 2 sets.  And then dropped it to 100 for 5.

Both were PR's, and both felt fantastic.  Here are the sets:

2/26/12 - Sunday
Bench Press - 3 sets
95x8 (warmup)
135x8 (warmup)
200x3 PR

1 Hand Dumbbell Rows - 3 sets
65x8 (warmup)
105x4 PR

Cable Rope Pulldowns - 3 sets
80x8 (warmup)

All in all, I'm very very happy.  The 1 hand rows are not a PR in weight, but in reps.  I've gotten like 1.5-2 reps at that weight before, but never 4 solid "good" reps.  And definitely not 2 sets in a row.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The ridiculous idea of eating dessert for breakfast

I heard about this on the news this morning, and thought it was ridiculous.  Then, doing my daily internet rounds, I found that 70's big did an article on it as well.

A study was done where they took some overweight people, split them into groups, and had them eat identical meals and calories every day.  The one difference was that group A ate cake for breakfast.  At the end of the study, group A lost more weight than group B.  That's me oversimplifying the shit out of it.  The daily news wrote an article on the study.  It's very short, read it here quickly.

If the average person heard the news report I heard this morning, or read this article, the first thing they'd think is "Awesome! I'm eating cake for breakfast!"  Like it's actually healthy.  I could break down just how fucked up this is, but 70s Big already did a great job of it.

The media acts like the media in that it takes an idea and then turns it into a big ball of fuck. In this article, researchers allowed fat people the option to have sugar-dense (fattening) food in the morning (i.e. cakes, cookies, chocolate, and ice cream) and found that those people lost more weight than the other group. The average American will see this, fist pump, and proceed to continue eating like shit.
The jist is that the NY Times did a terrible job of describing the study (not that the study was done well in the first place), and merely wrote the article to get people to read it.  It's shitty journalism.

Here's some more.

This irritates the shit out of me for several reasons. First, it provides a shortcut. If you’ve been training for a while, you know that there are no shortcuts. To anything. The first line on the back of “FIT” says, “Fitness is hard. Very Hard.” Giving people the erroneous impression of ease makes me sick. More often than not, fat people are fat because they do things that make them fat. Poor people are poor because they do things that make them poor. While this isn’t always the case, the belief that it is empowers the individual to actually give a shit.

Excellent article by 70's big, and I couldn't agree more with what he says.  Here's the link to his article.

Eat real food.  Lift heavy weights.  Get healthy.  The formula is simple, the application of it is hard.  Don't look for shortcuts, they don't exist.  And as for cake, the only type you should be eating is this:

From one of the comments on the article

In other news, I squatted yesterday.  Hit 185 for 20 reps.  Felt awesome, but my back was aching afterwards.  Is this because of bad form?  Yeah.  I could tell from the get-go that my form wasn't good, but I kept going.  Here are the sets.

2/23/12 - Thursday
Squats - 1 set
135x8 (warmup)
135x5 (warmup)
185x20 super duper

Dumbbell Bicep Curls - 2 sets
30x8 (warmup)

Went home, ate some food, watched the Knicks get beat up, and then went to bed nice and early.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pressing and Pulling

Monday went to the gym. Was an in between day, meaning it was between deadlifts, bench and squats.  Decided on military press, cleans and weighted chinups.  The only thing I was remotely happy with was the chins.

2/20/12 - Monday
Seated Military Press - 3 sets
95x8 (warmup)

Power Cleans - 10 sets
95x5 (warmup)

Did 10 sets of this, on the minute (not a minute rest in between) for 10 minutes.  20 reps total.

Weighted Chins - 3 sets

I wonder if I should just clean every fucking day until I get better at it.  I felt like the 135 was so easy.  But then I up the weight to 145 and I can't get it up more than 2-3 times in a row.  WTF

I'm not a big basketball fan, I never have been.  It's baseball and football for me.  But I live in NY, and a few of my friends are Knicks fans.  With all the crazy Linsanity going on, I've been tuning in every so often. Usually it's just a few minutes here and there, and I actually watched last week when Jeremy Lin scored the 3 to win the game against I think it was the Raptors.  But last night my wife and I watched the ENTIRE game of the Knicks destroying the Atlanta Hawks.  It was a fun game to watch, and I'll admit I'm getting caught up in the whole thing.  Tonight they're playing the Heat.  You can bet your ass that after the gym I'm gonna plant myself in front of the TV and watch.  And PS, the guy making the 70's big face cracks me up.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Saturday Bench Session

I'll keep this short and sweet.

Bench is progressing nicely.  On Saturday, I benched, did some dumbbell rows, and 3 sets of cable rope pulldowns for the triceps.  My grip has been consistently sore over the past 2 weeks.  If I had to guess, hitting the new PR's with deadlifts is partially the cause to this.  Plus, I've been spreading my "back" workouts out across bench days (rows), deadlifting days (chins), and squat days (biceps).  My hope is that as long as I don't overdo it, my forearms will adapt and get stronger.  And then my ability to deadlift will increase.  I've also thought about getting one of these...

Haven't done any shoulders in about 2 weeks.  Have I rehabbed it at all?  No.  I need to build/purchase something that can be used to roll/rub/apply serious pressure to the deep tissue within my shoulder.  What's strange, and I've said it before is that it does not hurt for me to press.  It hurts when I hold weight above my head and move it forward and backwards.  I can press with no pain, I just have to be wary of the way I rack and unrack the weight.  

Haven't cleaned in a while, I plan on doing that tonight.  I might military press tonight too, I think that I can continue pressing mediumish weight without injuring myself.  And finally, I'm going to do some weighted chinups with 25 lbs tonight too.  So much for not overdoing my grip workouts...

Here are the sets from Saturday.

2/18/12 - Saturday
Bench Press - 3 sets
95x8 (warmup)
135x6 (warmup)
155x3 (warmup)

1 Hand Dumbbell rows - 3 sets
65x8 (warmup)

Cable Rope Pulldowns - 3 sets

Quick note: Dumbbell rows I went lighter because my forearms were a little sore/tired before I even walked into the gym.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Got to the gym on Thursday

It was a frustrating week.  Work has been very busy, and while this is an overall good thing, it can wear you down after a while.  Because I had been working late nights all week, I hadn't made it to the gym to train.  Thursday, it had been 5 days since I trained and I knew I couldn't push it off anymore.  I worked late Thursday night, even hit crazy traffic on the way home, but still made it into the gym for a quick session of deadlifts.

Hit 5 reps at 325, but then could only get 3 on my 2nd set.  It was so late at that point, I didn't do any other exercises.  Just came home, ate some dinner and went right to bed.

2/16/12 - Thursday
Deadlifts - 3 sets

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gym day - and house hunt musings

I haven't been to the gym all week.  Work has been a little crazy, and I've been working late and haven't been able to lift. Plus, I'm in the middle of looking for a house, and last night I spent half the night thoroughly examining a house with my brother and father.

I'm lucky, because I don't know much about owning a house.  I don't know much about the kind of things I need to look for when examining a house.  I mean, I know general stuff.  I can look at the roof and see if it's in shitty condition.  I can look at a kitchen and tell if it's in decent shape, or would need to be redone.  Stuff like that.  But the really deep stuff?  I mean, last night my father and brother were picking out shit I would never in a million years have noticed.

The way we do it is this: my wife and I look at a bunch of houses with the real estate agent.  After a while of looking, we find one in our price range that we kind of like.  Then, I bring in the big guns (dad and bro) to really look deep and see what the house is worth, and what work would need to be done.  Last night, the house was in a nice neighborhood with a big back yard and garage.  My dad instantly picked out problems with the windows, skylights, the boiler, the oil tank, the whole basement, problems with the heating pipes, and a bunch of other stuff.  This is good.  Then we talk about what it would cost to fix/repair some of these things and make the house liveable.  That's when it becomes apparent that the house is out of our price range.  When the first 3 things on your "to do" list are:

1) Replace the boiler and oil tank
2) Gut the entire basement (not to mention rebuild it afterwards)
3) Replace most of the windows and skylights on the first floor

You realize that on top of the purchase price, you're looking at approximately 15-20 grand just to make the house liveable.  For the record, the basement was an apartment that was in horrible, horrible shape.  It would need to be ripped out and re-done so that I could make an apartment out of it again.

And that's on top of the simple stuff.  Like repainting.  Putting in new rugs in the bedrooms.  Buying furniture.

All in all, it's disappointing when you realize a house you like isn't such a likable house anymore.  Or affordable.  But, that's part of the house hunt.  Eventually we'll find something we like in our price range.  It's a journey.

As for the gym, I haven't gone since Saturday.  I'm skipping shoulders and going straight to deadlifts today.  325 is happening.  I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Destroying my Quads, Glutes and Hips

This 20 rep squat thing is intense, man.  Hit 180 with it on Saturday, and now my legs are a wreck.  I'm still hitting my goals though, so I'm going to continue to increase the pounds.  185 is next, and I'm gonna kill it.

2/11/12 - Saturday
Squats - 1 set
135x5 (warmup)
135x6 (warmup)

Bicep Dumbbell Curls - 2 sets
30s x8 (warmup)
45s x4
40s x6

Bicep Barbell Curl - 1 set

Yes I did it in the squat rack, the gym was barely occupied.

It's Tuesday, and my legs are still a mess.  I'm juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust barely beyond the "limping like an idiot" phase of being sore.  Speaking of being an idiot, still haven't even attempted any kind of therapy on my shoulder.  Why?  Because I'm so damn lazy sometimes.  And I'll regret it when it comes time to play softball in April.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bench is progressing nicely - again

Last week I talked about how I'm enjoying this whole cycling thing with my bench.  Backing off is working.  I've been slowly building my weight back up, and on Friday, I pumped out 195x4, and had another rep in the tank.  Just to reference, I was maxing out at 195x4 about 8-10 weeks ago, and couldn't get past that mark of weight/reps.

I felt really good on Friday, like I knew that I can and will get into the 200's, and beyond.  Strange, I feel the momentum behind me and I know I'm gonna move forward.  Shoulder is still hurting whenever I move my right arm forward.  I need to do something about it.  It's to the point where I'm beginning to worry that I'm going to feel pain throwing a softball when the season starts.

Anyway, here are my sets.

2/10/12 - Friday
Bench Press - 3 sets
95x8 (warmup)
135x8 (warmup)

1 Hand Dumbbell Rows - 3 sets
65x8 (warmup)
80x5 (warmup)
100x4 (grip failing so hard on this)

Weighted Dips - 2 sets
45lbs x 5
45lbs x 5

I haven't done dips in ages.  I stopped doing them because my chest would build pressure while doing them, and then after a day or so, it would pop... like cracking your knuckles, except much larger.  It didn't "hurt" but it was so uncomfortable, and the pressure was not cool at all.  I did them last night, and stopped after 5 reps because I felt the very beginnings of that pressure after each set.  I think that if I raise the weight but keep the reps low, I should be alright.  I'm taking it slow though.

Also had a good workout on Saturday.  I'll post it up tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PR in reps for Deadlift

I'm definitely progressing on my deadlift.  2-3 months ago, my 1RM was 325, and I was barely able to get it up.  Yesterday I managed to pull off multiple sets, one for 3 reps and one for 2 reps.  I'm almost positive my back could have handled more weight.  My grip, however, could not.

That's been the theme since I started deadlifting.  My grip is shitty.  When doing 1 handed rows, I feel the weight just slipping through my fingers and I have to put the weight down for a half second in between each rep.  Same deal for shrugs and even sometimes weighted chin ups/pull ups. Maybe I need to get one of those hand grip things to squeeze while I'm driving to and from work.

Here are the sets.
2/6/12 - Monday
Deadlifts - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)
225x5 (warmup)
325x3 PR

Chin ups - 3 sets
25lbs x5
25lbs x5
25lbs x4

Chinups goal is to get 10 straight reps with 25lbs hanging from my waist.  Then, on to 45lbs.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Bench is progressing nicely

In continuing my cycle of bench (and somewhat shoulders), I increased the reps at 185 for bench on Saturday.  It worked out very well.  For shoulders, I'm still experiencing the chronic pain in my right shoulder.  It doesn't effect my ability to press, but moving the weight forward and back (racking and unracking military press) hurts.  A lot.  I'm still pressing (might be a mistake) but not making much progress, other than finally doing "full" reps, rather than half assing it.

Either way, here are my sets.

2/4/12 - Saturday
Bench Press - 3 sets
95x8 (warmup)
135x6 (warmup)

Seated Military Press - 3 sets
95x5 (warmup)

Tricep Cable (ropes) pulldown - 2 sets

Next week I believe I'll be reintroducing myself to 195 on the bench press.  Hopefully, 2-3 weeks after that I'll be introducing myself to 200 and beyond for the first time.

For shoulders, I may try some trigger point therapy.  I'm short on time, so I can't find a link ATM.  It involves rubbing around your shoulder till you find the exact spot that the pain is coming from, and then poking it really fucking hard for a few seconds.  Take a break, then rinse and repeat a few times.  And do this a few times a week until it goes away.  I'll see if I can find a link tomorrow so you can actually read about it.

And finally, I love the NY Jets, so I'm glad the Patriots lost.  Even though I'm a huge Jets fan, I still like the Giants, and I'm happy they won.  Congrats!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Cleans

As prescribed, I did power cleans on Wednesday with a side of barbell rows.  Because my form is so sloppy, I kept the weight at 135 and just worked on my form.  It worked well.

My wife also got me a weight belt with a chain so I can do weighted chinup/pullups from home.  She also got me a 25lb weight to use.  I was able to do these when I got home from the gym.

Here are the sets.

2/1/12 - Wednesday
Power Cleans - 3 sets
95x5 (warmup)

Barbell Rows - 3 sets
135x8 (warmup)

Weighted Chinups - 3 sets

It's been a long time since I did weighted chin ups. I couldn't believe how weak I was doing them.  At least now I know where I'm at, and I can start building them back up again.  Soon enough I'll be doing them with 45lbs.

Went to the gym today too, I'll post that workout up tomorrow or monday.  Bench and shoulders - progressing well.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What to do today

As I said yesterday, I want to train today.  The question is, what do I train?  My legs are still way too sore for me to try deadlifting, and I just did shoulders on Sunday.  My chest feels alright, it's been 4 days since I did bench on Friday.  But, since I'm beginning to get back into the higher weight range of Bench, I don't want to overdo it, and end up too tired to push forward into 200+ poundage territory.

What I may do, is a little mashup of cleans, rows and chinups.  Kind of a pulling session, without the deadlifts.  I know my cleans could use the work.  If I do this, that puts chest on the menu next, followed finally by deads.

Here are some of my goals on my lifts, some short term, some long term.

Deadlift - 325x5 reps.
I can hit 315 for 5, but need to get my grip stronger to hit 325.  Only a few months ago, my 1RM was 325.

Bench Press - 225x1
A few weeks ago I was able to hit 4 reps at 195.  This seems like a tall order, but I'm slowly making my way towards 200lbs.  Something tells me once I break 205, I'll be able to attempt 1 rep at 225.

Squat - 225x20 reps
Squats have been a journey.  I remember over a year ago I managed 5 reps at 315.  Of course, I was stupid and only going 1/4 of the way down.  I remember being so proud of myself.  What an idiot I was.  Now, my form is correct, and the depth is correct.  This is a longer term goal.  I don't expect to hit this till the summer time.  Earliest.

Overhead Press - 135x5 reps.
Shoulders.... my weakest lift.  I have so much trouble getting this up.  I can barely eek out 3 reps at 125, let alone 135.  This is a long term goal.  I've revamped my technique, and am kind of starting from scratch again. My hope is to hit this by summer.